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What is Hypnosis?

 Hypnosis offers a unique and transformative pathway to self-improvement.

 It's known to have more than a 90% success rate after an average of 6 sessions.

 Unlike traditional therapies, hypnosis taps into the power of the subconscious mind, facilitating profound changes in habits, behaviors, and emotional responses. It's a gentle, yet effective approach, allowing individuals to explore and resolve underlying issues, enhance their well-being, and unlock their full potential. By harnessing the mind's innate abilities, hypnosis empowers people to overcome challenges leading to a happier, and more balanced life.

Embrace the journey with hypnotherapy and discover a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.

In our sessions, we will tap into the vast reservoir of your subconscious mind. This is where deep-seated beliefs, memories, and automatic responses reside. By working with your subconscious, we can uncover and address the root causes of the challenges you face, whether they are related to stress, habits, or self-confidence.

          While I guide and facilitate this process, you will be working with the conscious part of your mind—the 12% that is active and aware. Through the techniques and insights you gain in hypnotherapy, you will make conscious choices and take deliberate actions that align with your goals.

          Think of it as a powerful partnership. I will work with the 88% of your mind that operates behind the scenes, helping to reprogram and align it with your desired outcomes. Meanwhile, you will engage the 12%, actively participating and making informed decisions. Together, we create a harmonious balance that maximizes your potential, achieving 100% success rate by combining our efforts. This holistic approach ensures that we are not just making temporary changes, but creating lasting transformations.

          I’m excited to support you on this incredible journey towards unlocking your full potential. Let's harness the power of your mind and achieve the success you deserve, together.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

   Understanding hypnosis often begins by dispelling the myths that surround the practice. Unlike the exaggerated, cartoon-like portrayals of hypnosis, with spirals in the eyes and complete loss of control, real hypnosis is a gentle and collaborative process.

  It's a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid imaginings that feels much like daydreaming or getting lost in a good book or movie. Far from being instant or magical, it is a skill that both the therapist and the client improve over time, through mutual trust and practice. In this safe and controlled environment, you remain in control and aware, able to emerge from the hypnotic state at will. Hypnotherapy is a scientifically recognized practice, utilized to empower individuals to make positive changes and improve their response to different everyday challenges. It's normal, safe, and a testament to the incredible capabilities of the human mind.

    For years, hypnosis has been a captivating subject, and it was considered that only specific individuals can be hypnotized. This notion comes from the fact that hypnotists worked by giving literal commands. Modern hypnosis methods have become more cooperative and less authoritative. Recent advancements in hypnotherapy have shown that everyone can be hypnotized, contrary to the previous belief. Thanks to the Kappasinian theory, which is the foundation of my knowledge, we now know that there are different types of people with varying types of suggestibility. As a result, the hypnosis I apply in my practice is tailored to each individual, with a unique approach for each person.

Will I feel the effect immediately?

     Hypnosis is a powerful tool for personal transformation, but like any worthwhile journey, it requires time and dedication. The effects of hypnotherapy may not be immediate for everyone; instead, they often unfold as a gradual process of change and self-discovery. Each session builds on the last, working progressively to rewire habits, beliefs, and emotional responses at the subconscious level. Some individuals may notice subtle shifts quickly, while for others, the changes become more apparent over time. It's important to approach hypnotherapy with patience and an open mind, allowing the process to guide you at your own pace toward lasting change. The path is as unique as the individual—what matters most is moving toward the goals step by step.

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